Scrap Metal:


Cutting a tree:

I risked my life to take this photo:

Yes, I died:

RIP yet again:
The only things I did right were cutting trees and that's about it. I chased a chicken bird thing for like ten minutes but then a bear attacked me and I died. I can't kill them, I'm terrible at it.
The things I did wrong were like I can't find fibre bushes and I seem to capture a chicken bird thing. Also I suck at killing bears or wolves (the two animals that viciously attacked me).
Animals I saw: bear, wolf, chicken bird thing (idk??)
Trees I cut: pine tree, you get four pieces of wood from it.
I forgot to take a picture of a loot bag but I got one. It had some bullets and health stuff and a few other supplies.
I didn't make a camp yet, I don't have enough supplies for it. I still have to find the fibre bush and harvest it or whatever.
Some tips would be to run away from those bears. They seem very angry. Another tip would be to not waste time on chasing a wild chicken thing, because you'll have no luck.
My opinion on the game; It's hard to get the hang of the controls. It isn't easy to kill animals that attack you. It's an okay game and I'm sure I'll like it more once I get used to the way it's set up and once I find those fibre bush things. I don't like the graphics when you run because they're kind of laggy.
Also I lost count of how many times I died but there were a lot.